As you are here, we assume you are looking for an additional and exciting ways for your child science education – online or offline. And you are in the right place! There are our three main points distinguishing us from many other courses:
- Applied scientific knowledge – experimental work.
- Interest and excitement as a driving motivator.
- Synthetic science education.
Applied scientific knowledge is a corner stone of our programmes. Whatever we learn, we learn for a purpose. Either green leaf or programming code, we need to understand how these bits and pieces will be involved in our further studying and their place in our lives. The best way to achieve this is through the experimental work. Every class has a practical part, when every child does his/her own scientific experiment related to our theoretical topic.
Interest is our paramount regarding to motivation. Excitement – that’s all it takes to start things to work and we are doing our best to keep it up. Our teachers are highly qualified in science and worked with children for a long time so they are able to keep kids motivated AND entertained during the lesson and beyond. Though we are not in a position to make these lessons suitable for everyone. All kids are different, some of them are more interested in music, some – in sport, some – in art, and this is normal. We are inviting everyone to try, but we can ignite and hold the fire of interest in those who have predisposition to science.
Synthetic education is not an invention, but we think it is the best for younger children. We are trying to teach not just one science, but interaction and connection between different sciences – there are no physics without chemistry or math, and no biology without physics. Our rotating courses in different subjects are intended to form the holistic picture of the world with constant references to different fields of modern science. And these unique and customised courses and programmes are always filled with practical aspect and simple explanations.
Our main audiences are 6-11 and 12-14 years old, loosely divided in groups of similar age/ability.